Ayudh - Awaken Youth; Unite for Dharma
Awaken Youth; Unite for Dharma
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AYUDHians Celebrated National Youth Day 2021
AYUDHians Celebrated National Youth Day 2021

On National Youth Day 2021, AYUDHians had an amazing brainstorming session on the theme "Youth Power for Nation Building". More than 75 AYUDHians from Ahmedabad, Jaipur, Bhubaneshwar, Pune, Mumbai, Kolkata, Baneshwar and Durgapur participated and expressed their views about how India could be benefited if the youth play their roles in the best manner with a selfless attitude.
The participants assumed various roles such as Army Man, Singer, Civil Servant, Sportsman, Farmer, Journalist, Artist, Dancer, Teacher, Doctor, Engineer, Lawyer, Writer, Dancer, Policeman etc. and their insightful thoughts and views were shared. They also spoke, how the chosen field can serve as a medium for their personal growth. Youth are not only the frontrunners of tomorrow but also the blessing of today.
The event saw every AYUDHian thinking out of the box and saying, if their creativity, skills and talents are used in the right manner to solve the problems in the society, one day, India will be self-sufficient and be able to contribute more to the world. The event also saw, the bubbling enthusiasm of youth if regulated and utilized in the right way can lead the nation to the zenith.
Overall, listening to the youth discussing their hopes and dreams for a compassionate, talented Indian workforce was very eye-opening and mind-blowing experience.