Ayudh - Awaken Youth; Unite for Dharma
Awaken Youth; Unite for Dharma
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AYUDHians Celebrate International Youth Day 2021
AYUDHians Celebrate International Youth Day 2021

On the International Youth Day 2021, a live Webinar was organized on "Transforming Food Systems: Youth Innovation for Human and Planetary Health". The description about the best lifestyle to boost immunity was extremely useful for the public during this pandemic. The webinar also focused on Promotion of healthy, diversified and sustainable diets that can both reduce the major forms of malnutrition and offer multiple reinforcing co-benefits to human and ecological health. It also included the natural ways to strengthen the immunity.
Dr. Priya Rajesh, Ayurvedic Physician, Pune, India handled the webinar along with Q & A session with the public. The Live attendees got an opportunity to ask their queries to the doctor and all of them expressed their sincere gratitude for organizing this public Live program.