
Ayudh Durgapur Celebrates World Youth Skills Day

Ayudh Durgapur Celebrates World Youth Skills Day

The world youth skills day was a grand day for all youth of Durgapur .The event started with an introductory speech by Averi Dubey ( Coordinator) followed by a speech on World youth day by Shivam Seth( member) . Different competition like poster making on youth skill day( 5 groups with 4 participants in each) made beautiful collage on the topic within a short time of an hour. There was a rigorous debate on ' Are Indian school enough encourage the creativity in children with a two teams for and two against the motion. A skit enacting the theme Rojgar bhi Honar bhi was performed by two teams keeping the theme of the day. The programme ended with vote of thanks delivered by Shivam. All the AYUDH members were supported whole heartedly by the organising team Miss Tripti., Mr. Kaju, Aradhana and Archana