Ayudh - Awaken Youth; Unite for Dharma
Awaken Youth; Unite for Dharma
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AYUDH AV Mumbai celebrated ‘Amritavarsham 69’
AYUDH AV Mumbai celebrated ‘Amritavarsham 69’

AYUDH AV Mumbai celebrated ‘Amritavarsham 69’ this year in a different manner. The AYUDH representatives from the team visited a slum in Juinagar to distribute gifts to the slum children. Before visiting the slum, the AYUDH Team in Amrita Vidyalayam Mumbai spent days together collecting clothes, stationary, books, other school essentials and gifts for the children. All AYUDH members enthusiastically contributed for the great cause.
Seeing the poverty the children were living in really moved them. They felt thankful for everything they had in their lives. And they understood why it was important to give what we can to those who are not able to afford it.
The families and children at the slum were extremely happy and thankful. They also expressed their gratitude to Amma.
Before leaving, the AYUDHians chanted "Lokah Samastah Sukinoh bhavantu" in unison. Praying that everyone in the world should be happy.
“I got to experience a moment that everyone should experience at least once in their lifetime and that is the innocent smile on people’s faces when we met them and gave gifts. I realized that we don't value things around us and take it for granted many times but there are people in this world who struggle to get it but yet they can't. It was all possible with AYUDH team and I appreciate the effort given by my fellow AYUDHians who made it a successful mission and now we're looking forward for more such missions and are eager to contribute our best towards the welfare of our community”, remarked Mr Amrit Tiwari from AYUDH Team
“It was an amazing experience. The happiness on the children’s face was so heartwarming. It was at peek and the most important lesson of my life I learned there was, always share and take care people around you who are in need and that alone can bring true happiness”, said Ms Nimisha Nair.