

AYUDHians Met Amma and to Visit Amritapuri Ashram

A visit to Amritapuri, Kerala was organized for the first team of ASIP Participants of AYUDH Pune, Maharashtra. After the Internship Program, the AYUDHians have been longing to meet Amma and to see Amritapuri Ashram, the headquarters of Mata Amritanandamayi Math.

Youth Camp Organized at Punyadham Ashram

AYUDH Pune created unforgettable memories at the Youth Camp organized at Punyadham Ashram in Pune city where unity, spirituality, and compassion were at the heart of everything they did. AYUDH team embarked on a journey of reflection, embracing the wisdom of their past experiences. The camp witnessed the investiture - passing of the torch, as new leaders were entrusted with the responsibility to guide their teams towards a brighter future. Team Building Games Strengthened bonds and built connections as they conquered challenges together.

ASWAS Organized by AYUDH at Pune


AYUDH Pune organized ASWAS. Guided by the words of Amma, they embarked on a purposeful Winter Clothing Drive, radiating warmth to Solapur Village, Maharashtra. Collected with care, these winter clothes became tokens of compassion, distributed directly to the residents of village, creating moments of shared joy! The cloths were distributed to the villagers in Solapur, Maharashtra. It was heartening to see the joy on their face when they received the gifts from AYUDHians from Pune.

Office Of Youth Empowerment Conducted AYUDH Orientation At Ahmedabad


Team OYE from Office of Youth Empowerment conducted AYUDH orientation session for new members of Amrita Vidyalayam, Ahmedabad. The session aimed to familiarize the new members with the vision, principles, benefits and activities of AYUDH, emphasizing the importance of spiritual knowledge, seva, personal empowerment, and fostering a sense of global citizenship. Many new students enthusiastically registered with AYUDH. 
