Ayudh - Awaken Youth; Unite for Dharma
Awaken Youth; Unite for Dharma
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In a world where no one has the time to stop or even enquire about our loved ones, or help each other, imagine the homeless ones. With no one to take care, living a life all by themselves, bereft of any support. During the chilly winters, with only basic clothing on their under-nourished bodies, they battle daily just to stay alive. Many of these unfortunate souls don’t make it and freeze to death.
With a single motive in mind, that is, to do our bit to serve humanity, we collected 200+ blankets with the help and support of many generous donors to spread warmth this winter. Hence, we kick-started ‘WARMTH’ as we named this small but impactful initiative. ON 24th December, we started our drive from the Ashram. The smile on the faces of the receivers of our gift made us feel that love can be spread in any form, to small or big, rich or poor.
24th December 2017 – Project Warmth
200+ Blanket Distribution to Homeless People completed successfully by Ayudhians
"In a world where no one has time to stop, imagine the homeless in the middle of winter, with no basic necessities to help keep warm...."
With a single motive in mind we collected 200+ blankets with the help & support of many generous donors to spread warmth this winter.
On 24th December, we started our drive from Ashram. The smile on the face of poor made us feel 'Sharing is caring'.
With every house that we covered, every blanket that we shared- the smile, the glow and the happiness was very much evident on the faces of all volunteers.
We would like to thank everyone for your kind donations and for joining hands to support this good cause - for being the reason behind someone's smile!!!
With every location that we covered and every blanket that we shared, the smile and the love was getting bigger and bigger. Our volunteers were overwhelmed and had a divine emotional experience like no other, and we ended the day thinking deep within ourselves that yes, ‘Sharing is Caring’.