
Ayudhians Conduct Flying to Freedom Program on Independence Day 2020

85 AYUDHians from 8 chapters participated in ‘Flying to Freedom’ program on Independence Day, August 15 organized by AYUDH Mumbai. AYUDHians from Ahmedabad, Bhubaneshwar, Kolkata, Jaipur, Durgapur, Baneshwar, Pune and Mumbai enthusiastically took part in ‘Express and Inspire’ in 2 minutes challenge in which they spoke for 2 minutes on the topics dear to their hearts and integral to India's future as a sovereign country. Some of them spoke about their contribution to India as an individual where as others shared India of their dreams 10 years from now. Our creative youngsters from Maharashtra crafted and presented their own inspiring poems and slogans which received a big round applause from all participants. The event also saw damn optimistic youth who shared their dream and hope of a major change that they wish to see in India. Ayudhains from all chapters supported them and promised saying that they all will put in their efforts to make the dream come true! We also had several patriotic AYUDHians who shared the inspiring works of India’s patriotic heroes.

Following this, one of the AYUDH coordinator from Amma’s Ashram, Amritapuri interacted with AYUDHians checking with them ‘How free they really are’! This was an opportunity for all AYUDHians to introspect and discover how much freedom they enjoy internally and to understand Amma’s message about real Freedom.

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Event Details

Saturday, 15 August 2020